Region tools

Region drawing tools

Region drawing tools are in the Sketch view toolbar or the Draw menu.

Tool name

Tool icon



Select one or more edges unique to the boundary of the region you wish to define. Enventive Concept automatically selects the remaining boundary edges. When the desired region is highlighted (filled with solid color), press Enter to create the region. For more information, see About regions and Placing a region.

Region hole

Select an edge that is unique to the boundary of the region hole. Enventive Concept automatically selects the remaining boundary edges to create the region. For more information, see About regions and Placing a region hole.

Region constraint tools

Region constraint tools are in the Sketch view toolbar or the Constrain menu. Most commonly, region constraints are used to compute a region property or drive the value of a region property, though they may also be used to drive geometric behavior.

Tool name

Tool icon




Area. Adds an area constraint/dimension to the selected area/region. You can modify the area dimension's properties in the parameter table or the Properties Explorer.

Area constraints are variational; that is, you can directly set the area value to drive the value of an unlocked contributor. For example, if a region is fully constrained, you can unlock the linear dimension that sets the height, and lock the area dimension. You can then enter the desired value for the area, and the height will adjust accordingly.


Centroid. Adds a point to the center of the selected area/region. You can use this point to constrain other objects to the centerpoint of the area.



Inertia. Adds an area moment of inertia or polar moment of inertia to a region.

To place an inertia constraint on a region:

  1. Select the Inertia tool.
  2. Select the region.
  3. Select either a line to create an area moment of  inertia or a point to create a polar moment of inertia.

The constraint is added to the parameter table as a dimension. If the region was fully constrained, the inertia dimension will be derived.

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